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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2024

The four goals of the strategic plan are:

1. Implement a comprehensive approach to antisemitism

A. Education:

  • Jewish diversity
  • Antisemitism, prejudice and tolerance programs with beneficiary agencies and allies
  • Antisemitism/antizionism education and resources for youth, university-aged students and adults in various settings

B. Create & Host Collaborative Forums:

  • Lay leadership security learning forum
  • Good Citizens/Kiddush HaShem agenda and implementation
  • Allyship

C. Security

  • Expand Rockland Community Security Initiative Partners to at least 250 by the end of 2026

We are pleased to report that each of these goals has been met, with tactical implementation of all but one of the contemplated initiatives in each segment. In fact in each of these sections our objectives have been reached and surpassed.

2. Implement Collaborative Programming to Leverage Resources & Participation

A. Identify collaborative programming strengths and interests of partners.

B. Develop and implement new grants process for agencies and measurements for Federation-funded programs and events. Reimagine and implement a new allocations process.

C.Implement events related to Identity, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Diversity.

D. Execute/fund programs for Jewish Teens/PJ Library Families.

E. Board/Community Israel Trip with specific focus.

Our ongoing response to October 7th and redeployment of resources and focus forced us to table element D and parts of A and C. Once again, in those areas where we were able to move to implementation we achieved superlative results. We are endeavoring to bring the elements we were not able to address to the forefront in 2024-2025.

3. Respond to the changing needs of the community

A. Expand representation to the Board of participating institutions and key partners by 2024

B. Develop and implement new grants process for agencies and measurements for Federation-funded programs and events. Reimagine and implement a new allocations process.

C. Promote/Showcase community institutions delivering quality programs and services

D. Deliver lay and professional leadership development program for agencies and Federation Board

E. Create Endowment fund by 2025 for targeted scholarships tbd with size, criteria, eligibility, frequency and funding available.

While we were able to begin and in some cases complete planning for these elements of our strategic plan, the changing needs of the community throughout most of the past year focused on addressing the impact of October 7th and its reverberations here at home. One outcome not contemplated in the plan but evident in the outcomes has been the development of local constituencies in Nyack and and other parts of Rockland that reached out to us when they saw our responses to the crisis, and had concerns to share. We have been happy to provide or direct these constituencies to resources, and going forward look to integrate them further into our programming.

4. Enhance Federation support for and delivery of programs & services by raising the necessary funds

A. Increase Annual Campaign Giving via Corporate Giving, Women's Philanthropy and Young Leadership

B. Re-establish Endowment Giving

C. Enhance Directed Giving Opportunities

D. Increase Fundraising and Allocations Transparency & Reporting to the Community

E. Board/Community Israel Trip with specific focus.

As indicated earlier, continuing development of endowment giving was advanced, but tabled as we reprioritized post October 7. Our Israel Emergency Appeal, as detailed above, is approaching our aspirational target of $1 million with well over a thousand donors. It has surpassed, indeed more than doubled, the expectations of Jewish Federations of North America for our amount of funds raised. This annual report is the second consecutive report delivered comprehensively and transparently to the community after several years without such reporting. We also raised funds not initially contemplated in these goals. Additional security funding totalling almost $300,000 was sought and secured with no effect on our operating budget. Where we had hoped to achieve more, in our annual campaign, given the Emergency appeal demands that our donor base responded to, we were below our goal by about 7% in dollars raised. Nonetheless, we were able to reach about 1200 donors, twice as many as we targeted.