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Adult Jewish Education @ Midreshet Rockland

NOTE: Wednesday classes begin on Feb. 1 or March 1. Thursday classes begin on Feb. 2.

Sponsored by the Jewish Federation & Foundation of Rockland County.

To read more about our instructors, click here.

Wednesday Midreshet Courses

9:30-10:45 a.m.

W.1 Wandering with Moses in the Exodus

The class will continue (and complete) our study of the book of Exodus, with emphasis on the Passover story, by means of line-by-line study. At all times, we will operate from a historical point of view. There is no prerequisite; new students can join in and are most welcome. Class begins on March 1.
12 sessions

Instructor: Dr. Martin O. Cohen


W.2 Jewish Literacy - CLOSED



11:00 a.m. -12:15 p.m.


W.3 The Book of Job: Agony and Ecstacy

Jews are well acquainted with suffering and few suffer more exhaustively in the Bible than Job.
The Book of Job raises many existential, religious and philosophical questions, but is not an easy read to tackle alone. Taking a group approach, we will do text study (mostly in English translation) and engage in lively class discussions relating to the profound themes raised by the book.
Prepare to contemplate and to think deeply! The goal is to emerge enlightened and uplifted by our time exploring the dark and the depressing. If you have one, bring your Tanakh. Class begins Feb. 1
12 sessions
Instructor: Rabbi Daniel Pernick





Wednesday Lunch & Learn

12.30 – 1:45 p.m.

W.4 Israel and the Jewish People

The Land of Israel is the Jewish national homeland. The history, faith, religion, culture and identity of the Jewish people have always been tied to this land which bears our name, from its ancient name of Judea to its modern name of Israel. Let’s spark a conversation about Israel, especially at a time when there is so much negative misinformation out there. Our Community Shaliach, Liraz Levi, will lead the discussions. We will also schedule guest teachers who are experts on this subject. You will be kept up to date on news, events, politics and so much more.
12 sessions
Instructors:  Liraz Levi, Community Shaliach and guest teachers

Thursday Midreshet Courses

All Thursday classes begin on Feb. 2.


11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
T.5 Jewish Bio-Ethics: Beyond the Core Melton Ethics Class

Technological advancements in medicine have brought with them bioethical issues of increasing complexity. This course will examine issues pertinent to today’s bioethical dialogue from a Jewish point of view, including issues such as reproduction (IVF, surrogates, donated sperm and egg, abortion), genetic screening, assisted suicide, death and dying, organ donation, illness prevention and immunization, and health care distribution. How does the Jewish way of looking at these issues compare and contrast with the general societal discussion? What are the governing principles of bioethical argument in each of these? How are ancient Jewish sources reconciled with modern technology in guiding thinking about these issues?
12 sessions
Instructor: Rabbi Jill Hackel



Thursday Lunch & Learn: 12:30 -1:45 p.m.

T.6 Israel Behind the Headlines
Settlements, Refugees, Al-Aksa, Ethnic minorities, and more. Did you ever wonder about how it got that way? Where did it come from? Why did it happen? What might the future hold? Can it ever change? In this 10-session course we will look at the news that screams from the headlines and return to the sources of the headlines to better understand how we’ve come to this moment.
10 sessions
Instructor: Sharon Halper

Download registration form

(Online registration coming soon)


$170 per 10-session 1¼ hour course

$200 per 12-session 1¼ hour course

$50 off any two or more courses!

Spouse discount: take an additional $25 off per person!

Minimum number of 10 students needed to run each course.

Questions:  Call Roberta Seitzman at 845-362-4200 ext. 130 or e-mail