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The Reform Temple of Rockland

330 North Highland Ave
Upper Nyack, NY 10960

P: 845.358.2248

  • Rabbi: Eric J. Lazar
  • Cantor: Sally L. Neff
  • Executive Director: Bethanne Knapp
  • School Administrator: Michelle Scull


We Shine Brighter Together at The Reform Temple of Rockland!

Joining Together – Looking for your Jewish home away from home? At RTR, everyone gathers togetherinterfaith couples, LGBTQ+ families, the young and the young at heart- to create our warm Jewish community.

Learning Together – RTR’s inclusive religious school starts our students on a lifelong journey of Jewish discovery and learning. At RTR, we welcome families of all backgrounds, and offer individualized attention to help children discover the joy of Judaism for themselves. Our unique hybrid program offers convenient, virtual, one-on-one learning including an in person experience on Sundays. We focus on making Judaism fun and usable in our students’ lives. Our children are our future and it is our commitment to help sustain Reform Judaism in the county and beyond.

This philosophy spills over into our robust adult education programming, which aims to engage and offer spiritual fulfillment.  From our weekly offerings such as A Taste of Torah, or our New Jewish Potpourri, to book discussions and special guest speakers, we believe in a lifetime of Jewish learning, and understanding through Torah study and powerful Adult Ed programming.

Celebrating Together – Our Worship is enriched with a love of music, filled with our Cantors’ gifted voice, our Rabbi’s wit and “rock star” guitar playing, our volunteer choir and Rock Shabbat band. Toe tapping and hand clapping are encouraged!  See for yourself why so many find our family-friendly, Friday night services so inspiring.

Getting Involved Together –There are so many ways to be connected at RTR. Get involved in social action or just be social. Through our incredible youth groups, a very active WRJ (Sisterhood) and Men’s Club, and too many committees and activities to mention, there is truly something for everyone.  Or perhaps one of our personal interest clubs is more your speed- our Car Club, Movie Club, Chai-ke (Hike) Club, and Knitting Circle could be just what you are looking for.

Making A difference Together– The Reform Temple of Rockland’s Social Action initiative is designed to encourage wide-scale congregant participation in tikkun olam. This effort was built on a long-standing commitment to community service that has been woven into the fabric of our congregation since its inception. We inspire action by providing education — about the Jewish imperative to pursue justice, about the ongoing needs within our community and the world, and the ongoing opportunities for gemilut chasadim (bestowing kindness). We provide ongoing assistance to those in need and to the organizations that serve them – the homeless, the hungry, the elderly, our brothers and sisters in Israel, the working poor of Rockland County, our own congregants, and the environment. And, we have and continue to respond in times of emergency. RTR currently has joined forces with the Islamic Center of Rockland through Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) to help resettle an Afghan refugee family in Rockland under an initiative called Welcome the Stranger.

Brighter Together Together we all shine brighter. Don’t wait for a holiday to stop by to experience what we’ve come to call Joyful Judaism.  Our caring clergy and congregation look forward to meeting you!